Re: Looking for a change
Thank you all for responding. I went into a store to check out the Evo and so far it seems to be just the "change" I am looking for. I have decided that I will proceed with the EVO.
Now, my only concern is the pricey plans and the 10.00 fee. I have spoken with sprint and the best deal they can offer me right now is their 59.99 Plan. I inquired about the 20/24 and was told it had been discontinued for a few months now.
I looked through their business plans and they are not very good either. Any thoughts?
Ultimately, if nothing else comes up I will have to go with the 59.99+7.00+10 = 76.99 Plan.
I have given up on The Moment and decided to simply give my wife my Tough Pro when I get the Evo.