Originally Posted by Sinful1217
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)
So the BF decided to b a nosey bastard and somehow got into my phone. No way he coulda found out the password. Left him alone with my phone for ten min & when i came bk he had somehow got in. ssid his friend works for sprint n told him how to get in. of course im pissed but at the same time wanna kno how he did it since he wont tell me!
never heard of a master password or a way to get around it!! u sure he didnt see u enter the password or a friend saw u and told him?
and to everyone bashing her cuz of the situation My phone is privite so unless i give u premission to go in my phone that is wrong!! point blank !! unless u are paying my bill u have no right to go threw my phone no matter who u are!!