Originally Posted by bsarlo
The Copy Directory functionality does not work on NRG ROMs. I think bobbyblack misunderstood your question. The exporter exports registry keys for import on your next flash. It does not export or copy files or folders. To do this, look into creating a mortscript.
You could try this
Thanks. I had been asking over on XDA and no one mentioned that fact about NRG Roms.
Originally Posted by eddieyee
I just do it thru mortscript instead. I run this separately after the XDA_UC, but I think you can copy a mortscript into the XDA_UC folder and it will execute it... Here is an example mortscript:
Copy( "\Storage Card\Settings\ygoservice.db", "\Application Data\HTC\ygo\ygoservice.db", TRUE )
Copy( "\Storage Card\Settings\nanogroove\ng.cfg", "\Application Data\nanoGroove\ng.cfg", TRUE )
Delete("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iGuidance Launcher.lnk")
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the help. This has been pissing me off for weeks. I am assuming I can just create this file in notepad and label it with a .mscr extension? Can anyone confirm that I can then just copy it into my XDA_UC folder? Here is what I came up with for in the file.
Copy( "\Storage Card\Ringtones\NICKANI.WAV", "\Windows\Rings\NICKANI.WAV", TRUE )
Copy( "\Storage Card\Ringtones\RINGDING.MP3", "\Windows\Rings\RINGDING.MP3", TRUE )
Copy( "\Storage Card\IGo8.lnk", "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GPS\IGo8.lnk", TRUE )