Originally Posted by JeffKay
I agree. This is not a 8 grand plasma 500hz Hi-Def display. My goodness, peoples expectations are way too high.
I agree expectations are wayyyyy toooo high! How dare I ask that my screen displays white as white! I mean my god I want my white screen to be white!!!??? And I want the screen to be firmly attached all the way around not coming up anywhere! Good god I am a NAZI. I also do not want to have little light beams coming from under my screen to try and communicate with my via some alien morris code! I also want my battery cover to sit flush with the damn back of my phone. It's not like I paid money for it and am just asking it to be made to the same standards I would expect out of anything! I mean I don't ask that my clothes are all the way stitched together! Or that my house paint is really the same color all the way through. I mean these things are just asking tooo much and anyone who isn't happy with brand new top of the line stuff to be made with some care and concern is just a big old whiner who would whine about anything. You would buy a new car and complain that the windows don't shut all the way cause their miss aligned and rain is leaking in! I mean come on people where does it stop????
RANT DONE Thanks and have a great day