Originally Posted by Nibbley15
Just found some new info, I was running some updated packages from the 3.01 or 3.02 ROM's and found a file that causes the phone to lockup during it's build. The file is "Notification Enhancement 3_5_20142921_00; so if you have this file don't add it to your build and if you figured out why it's causing a crash please share with the rest of us. Thanks!
first.. theres the drag and remove bit.. The reason the icon looks all funky is because i have it held and selected, ready to toss off the grid of quick links.
And here you can see the home screen.. with the.. "wtf does this do" rss widget.
and.. check.. I think I have tried 3.5.2014 before.. In one of the touch pro 2 threads its supposed to screw around with the volume and everything.. Dont try the new font link. that was strange stuff.