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Old 06-25-2010, 12:32 AM
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Re: Improve Battery Perfomance on HTC EVO 4G from Sprint

Overnight my battery life goes if its fully charged, its still fully charged in the morning. In the day I usually get around 10 hrs of use...mostly playing mRacing or using Friend Stream to read and update Facebook status... I may look at my pics or do some texting....and this is with 4g on (I live in a 4g area). I have a custom Rom. Today, however, I drained out after 5hrs. I turned off 4g. I run a task killer and I didn't run anything else more than usual. I try not to continuously place my phone on charger. I like to run it charged to near dead before charging. I had to put on car charger several times today and it didn't seem to charge up as quickly. I'm going to try the Bugless Rom and see if that makes it better. Any other suggestions outside the ones named will be greatly appreciate. The ones listed already are great too and thanks to all for them!
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