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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2008, 06:27 PM
giancarloaf's Avatar
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Do some research fellas, there IS something being done about it, join in if you're as pissed off as the other 9,300 people on this petition...

Welcome to This site is intended to spread awareness about the issues with recent HTC Smartphones and PocketPCs, and gather information for a possible class action lawsuit against HTC. That class action lawsuit will be a last resort and is still far off, hopefully we can raise awareness and publicity high enough to convince HTC to solve these issues without a lawsuit. It has however now been over six months since the first affected device was released, and as of yet, HTC has done nothing.

Now, if only HTC would release an official statement promising to give these issues some serious attention, none of this would be necessary, and everybody wins. After all, all we want is use our devices to their full potential!
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