Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Update: Ugh..I still hate the calendar icon. It went from having "[][][][]" as the month to a permanent "DEC" with what looks like (although written so small) two months next to it in number form...oh well...
wow, I never noticed the DEC (it's really small), I only really care about the date number. The other clear sliders with icon fix didn't work for you?
EDIT: Did you try the clear slider icon only (not the full slider) in the dinik thread?
Originally Posted by youngpro83
Just a quick question about these cabs. So will these cabs fix the double slider look with the Sprint TV, Nav, and Facebook tab with Diniks 1.7 slider? IF not what will these cabs do? I have the dinik 1.7 slider with All the Sprint tabs, but they are doubled up. Will this fix this? If not what will? Resizing the icons themselves?
Don't know....my call history and facebook tabs are doubled, but it doesn't bother me....the rest look nice.