Originally Posted by KIOWA69
Yeah download the file, rename to an .exe open the program up and point it to the .nbh file and change the pagepool to whatever you want, somewhere around 12-16 should be good, close it out and then reflash your phone, you can try different pagepools to see what works best for you. The pagepool is like dedicated memory, I believe that NRG has it set to 0 so what that does is lets the rom use whatever it wants instead of having a dedicated amount. Well I don't remember exactly the whole deal with the pagepool but you can probably do a google search and can read up on it on why it's better to have a dedicated amount compared to 0, like I said somewhere between 12-16 should work good, that's what works best for me.
awesome, i downloaded the latest june 22 cht sense and switched the pagepool to 12. hopefully all the hype is right and this should be stable and fast
ill try to update after i flash it and set it up and use it a bit