Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35541; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by orangekid
Originally Posted by El Ha$oN
Quick question bought the phone already but they uploaded 4.0 and erased everything off of it so now all i get is the screen where u have to connect the iphone to itunes.
So basically i have to wait until jailbreak comes out and unlocker to be able to do anything?
is it a 3G or a 3GS?
on both just stick ANY sim in and connect to iTunes, it will activate it and get you going to ATT only.
then on the 3G you can JB and unlock, on the 3GS I will get you jailbroken very soon
its a 3GS but it is not jailbroken or unlocked at all. I put a sim card in it but its not AT&t and connected it to itunes but it said that it is not a supported sim please place one in thats supported and try again
so that means i need to get my hands on an AT&t sim card just to activate it first and then jailbreak and unlock afterwards...right?