Hello peeps, I need a huge favor
. Is it possible for anyone to attach the latest
Plutonium No Cookie some place within this thread or maybe on Vin's old website? I can't access megaupload or any other sharing upload website from work and I need to redo my flash due to someone messing with my phone and adding somethng that was not intended for this phone and now I can't call out get text or anything, it is just crazy lol lol..No biggie if I was at home but I am not and will not be until later on today but I need my phone functioning during the day. If this can't be done I fully understand but it never hurts to ask. I could just kill the person who did this but that is what I get for leaving it unlocked and in a nosey persons sight LOL LOL..Taking an OOOSSAAA moment lol..Thanks in advance to anyone who can help a sister out LOL...