Originally Posted by studentjunk
So I can confirm that I am NOT having the problem. I am using the SBP ROM dated 6/9. I do install a bunch of programs, but the only two that should have anything to do with this are mentioned in my post above. Here are my SIP settings that I import into the registry. You can try playing around with those and seeing if they make any difference. I use sashimi, and have had these settings with multiple ROMs without issues:
If there are any other settings you want me to check to try and help, let me know.
I edited mine.. Changed suggautocorr from 1 to 0, changed suggchars from 3 to 0. And had to add dword value TurnOffAutoDeploy. All the other values were the same as yours.
Soft reset but the sip still acts the same..
Thanks for the info though.