Originally Posted by aiiee
Setting the backlight to stay on when plugged in solved this for me. I agree 6.1 just worked, and had nice functional screens w/out this b.s. animated weather crap, and other things that lock the phone up, but with this ROM and Cookie's Home Tab mod, things are looking up.[-o<
Ok, so here is what I did and it is working great!! I re-locked my phone and installed the stock 6.5 ROM. I have the Sense turned off (can't stand it!!) and have installed all my cabs that were in the cooked rom. Everyhing has been running super smooth since noon, which is the longest I have had yet!!
Anyhow, Thanks again to Mr. X for all his work, and to everyone else that had input for this. I am not sure why it didn't work with mine, but I am glad it has worked for others!!