here is a ROM for the incredible that I put together, it has Launcher Pro and no HTC sense except what it needs to fully function. I have had no problems so far. this is for
ROOT users and you must have ran the unrevoked
put it on your sd card then boot into recovery, select -wipe data/factory reset then scroll down to -install zip from sdcard, then scroll once down to -choose zip from sdcard and then find the signed_070510_203408 .zip and select it,
it has superuser installed and everything that was needed for root. it also has wireless N enabled. if you have problems please let me know and I will try to fix it. I am not a master chef or anything, so I may not be able to help on everything but I will try. I am using dsixda's kitchen so without it I would have been completely clueless. anyways big thanks to dsixda over at xda and especially the unrevoked team for getting the reflash tool out. this is beta so use at your own risk.
here is a lockscreen fix until I get it cooked into the ROM:
programs removed:
HTC Sense (rosie)
all HTC widgets (can't use them without sense anyways)
facebook (can get a newer one from the market)
mms (replaced with handcent, removable)
HTC Album
HTC clock (replaced with DeskClock)
city id
pdf viewer
visual voicemail
VZ backup
Programs added:
default lockscreen (displays homescreen background, looking for a fix)
wifi tether
stock music app
youtube (from evo, removable)
astro file manager (removable)
Launcher Pro (removable if you prefer another launcher)
Rockplayer (for playing .avi files)
brightness widget (removable)
3D Gallery
I left the htc weather (causes FC's if removed), contacts, htc facebook, and htc fm radio
I am not and will not be held responsible for your device.