Originally Posted by brent372
They I may have to try it.
Do you know if it retains all the VZW stuff that is there by default (branding, software, etc).
Call me crazy, but I like my ROM's stock
EDIT: Well I like them mostly stock, but more than that, I like my phone the way I like it, and right now 2.1 is closer to that than 2.5, but I shall check out the MrX build.
When I tried it, it felt like a stock phone, the only thing it had that I'm not sure of is the auto lock feature. Here is a link to the thread and here is the information posted:
"There was enough users on the forums reporting no boot issues on unlocked devices that I took it upon my self to dump the ROM, clean out the xip of the above DLL files, removed all EXT ROM reference, made it tethering safe, added in a HTC task manager, Added in Wifi Router, replaced the D3D driver with a better preforming one and put in a driver patch that will stop the SOD (sleep of death) from occurring. Basically i made this ROM the way it SHOULD have been shipped out."