Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by S2W
First I want to say thanks for the feedback and comments from those who tested DCG... Will also thank each post.
I read through them all and understand each comment... so with that said, will start modding and editing some of the concerns and errors shown.
I must say was trying to incorporate the dark crimson w/this theme which seems to be the popular one and thought I mix it up (a BIG mistake lol)... but after the screenshots and feedback I also see that I should not have mixed it up... what icons you see in DC red was intentional... (will be fixed)
But hey this is the reason why i wanted to have some users test this out... and as you all know even I wasn't really happy with it... will work on it until I am lol.
Will go back through each icon and mod them more to suit a more uniform glass look through out the theme.
Again thanks to you all... as I will go back to the drawing board to sketch this out.
All I ask is to be patient... Hopefully you wont be dissappointed.
thank you for the honor and we are happy to help