Re: s2w Themes • Dark Crimson Series • stock 6.1/sense 2.5 • ("DC/Glass" coming soon!
Sorry, I would have added commentary but I got attacked by some ransomware and my antivirus company is remotely fixing the issue.
So the tab for the seconday slider is red, which is probably a left over from the DC theme. I noticed on the music controls the pause button has red on wither side of the vertical bars...I was not sure if it was supposed to be a highlight, just noticeable on a light background. Also, the day selector ont he calendar is a red glass one, again wasn't sure if it was supposed to be. Itd glass style does not match the rest of the theme.
Well, all in all I am VERY happy with this theme. The lock screen, windows, and numbers look great. Thank you for letting me try it out. Still running it today. I don't know if I will take it off. All we need now is some sort of bad ass taskbar to match what you have accomplished.