I was bored I uploaded it tonight.
In the add on is manila 2.5.2014 fully tested. I give you a link to manila 2.5.2015/2016 also but that one is untested and is missing some of the tabs. However you could use the update nibbley provided and look into cfc compressing them. I also uploaded my 23568.erv file I used for my girls phone. Not sure if youll get error about missing packages or not. I dont think so. If you do dont worry thats just some of my registered apps I cook in.
Heres the link for the rhodium add on thats all set switched camera packages and everything.
Heres a link for manila 2.5.2015/2016
And a bonus for everybody. Heres a ext package for the new HTCLockscreen like the one for the hd mini except its in wvga resolution. I have it set up to run at the end and I still have lockscreen and lockscreenNonEA included in the rom. Then this package overwrites what it needs to. Works perfect on my hd2 but my one attempt to get it to work on my girls phone didnt work however I installed this
and her phone locks on wake up now. The hd2 does it automatically like it should.
Heres the link for the Lockscreen
Enjoy and good luck.
I just looked at your phone and carrier near your name. Your touch pro 2 is GSM right?