Originally Posted by winmonewbie
What step are you on? Are you trying to root for the first time or trying to get full root?
Regardless of the step you do NOT unzip the file, just put it on your card in it's entirety.
I doubt if this is the issue but let got of the Vol Down once it starts powering on.
Do the boot process again and watch what it says.
It checks for the file everytime and will either run it, give you an error or say "no image or wrong image" if it cant find it.
This is probably best asked in the ROM's thread but...
What ROM?
What steps of the root process have you done?
Did you partition your SD card?
How did you wipe? Android recovery or Clockwork?
Let's start there
The nandroid/Nand back up just backs up the ROM, not the radio. Even though OMJ "included" the radio with his ROM they are applied separately.
I went through all of step 1. Everything worked the way it was supposed to.
Android recovery.
Using Damage 3.1.2
I didn't partition my SD card.
On my EVO to type this, sorry for short answers.