Originally Posted by JaredC01
If you want to enable it, I'm not one to object... I personally don't see any benefit. The extra battery usage associated with using wireless N, along with the fact that there is nothing that I would do with the phone that could even utilize N speeds, makes me question the worth of doing it.
I appreciate the clarification... just seemed like the choice of words and verbosity was making you a bit condescending, so I apologize if my response was a bit harsh.
Anyway to the heart of the matter, yes, it matters (at least to me)... I have a VoIP phone system at work (Cisco CallManager). On WinMo, I previously ran the Cisco Mobile Communicator app to provision my phone with my desk extension. No Cisco app for Android yet, but there are SIP-capable apps that let me do it anyway. Very nice. Anyway, from a network traffic standpoint, internally I DO have a network capable of reaching said performance points, so it's a nice boost... in other words, it's not just about Internet connectivity.
Also, FYI about using more battery... you're technically right in theory, although in practice, any time you can improve overall signal quality to get a more stable connection, it does reduce battery usage, not increase it... same thing happens when you have low cell signal versus high. The point is this... I actually consistently had an extra bar of signal today so it wasn't trying to roam between access points so often, and when I came home from work I was 7% higher in battery life than less usage yesterday.
Update: PS-- I'm paying the same $10/month for "Premium Data" as everyone else, and you better believe I want to take advantage of every last option I possibly can if the hardware supports it. I'm also rooted and using the wifi tethering this way.