Thread: Goodbye evo
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Old 06-22-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: Goodbye evo

why do people who come from other platforms complain that you can't leave gps on all the time? Would you still feel that way if the EVO came out of the box with the little gps widget switched to off?
You didnt have gps running on winmo unless you used an app, so what's the problem? Winmo doesnt even have many apps that use gps. Run gmaps nonstop and see how long your battery lasts on winmo.

It sounds to me that you didn't even try to make you battery last longer. Sometimes I think people take way too much advantage of what Android can do and forget that there's just a tiny battery powering it. YOu even said battery was fine the first two weeks, so obviously you did something different or installed something that's causing battery usage. Do you have tons of apps that autoupdate in the background? Is your screen set to full brightness? These are things you can adjust without sacrificing what you would be getting on other platforms.

Enjoy the lack of support on winmo and tmos terrible, terrible coverage. . That has always been enough for me to stay away from gsm.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 06-22-2010 at 06:12 PM.
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