Re: 6/21/10 L3GION ROM SENSE 2.5 wm6.5.x CHT 1.8.5
long day(hot too) op but im flashing now and gonna do some testing tonight at b-ball game im off to so ill report later tonight.
edit: so far so good, Internet tab is all fixed and only thing i see that needs work is the start menu like others said but thats easy for user to fix as is adding facebook tab. i see bubble breaker is missing too but i got cab for that. im a big 5x user and this roms fast as any ive used if not faster even with cht its very fast. scrolling on start menu is where i see speed that i dont on other roms. like i said before i dont like slider or taskbar but thats also me and simple fix. some people may want vc too unless i missed it heres the cab plus some others i use some may want.
Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 06-22-2010 at 04:00 PM.