The software was removed from both the mogul and the touch before release on sprint. Alltel chose to keep it which is where the hacked version came in.
You are choosing to pay the $5 per month, you also know and have known that this feature is not supported. You can call and cancel paying the $5 a month any time as it is not tied to your contract. Only you know why you choose to pay for a service that you know does not work. It is kindov like paying for DSL from Att even though you live in the sticks and know it is not available and then calling ATT and saying where is my DSL.
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator (Brandon Smith)
Remember to say  when someone helps you out.
Open thread without searching > waste server usage > waste energy > higher gas prices 
Think about the economy the next time you feel the need to open a useless thread.  Think about it. 