Update on my use of Mr. X's fixed MR2. All is wonderful. An excellent ROM, what MR2 should have been. Lots of features, and NO SOD!! Except in one situation

. Initially, before charging, I had turned the display off, then plugged the phone into the charger. When I took the phone off the charger 8 hours later, it would not wake up, and things got worse, it started SODing every time it went to sleep!
Last night, I made sure the display was on when I plugged it in, and in Settings>All Settings>System>Power>Backlight, I made sure that the display was set to never go off when the phone was plugged in. That did the trick, the phone is behaving correctly now, the display cycles on and off as it should...
Tonight I am going to try again to charge it with the display off, but I'm pretty sure there is an issue there, we'll see.
And I am going to give it awhile to wake up, as suggested, it seems to sleep very deeply