Originally Posted by drtnsnw1
Ya know, I have gotten about three times the responses bashin me for leaving this phone than I ever got good answers to any of my problems. Oh well guess us dumb floks will just have to keep busy fixin your cars and keeping heat in your houses
so you think us electronic geeks can't hang with hands on? well by day i am a mechanical engineer who designs the things you work on,...and i love my phones.
if you make a post complaining about a phone in the said phones forum, expect a little bashing. i had the tp2 myself and moved on to the incredible. however in most ways i miss my tp2, i miss customizing and flashing roms. the incredible is nice and all but i can't compare it to the tp2. to me they were totally different phones. wish i had just kept the tp2 as well.
maybe get your incredible and hold on to your tp2, you'd be very surprised at what it is capable of if you took the time to learn the ways of winmo....if you can fix a car, you can fix winmo, haha, well maybe not a 1:1...