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Old 06-21-2010, 09:32 PM
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Exclamation Is my Diamond's Sound Backwards?

So, the other day, I was watching the movie "Cast Away" (the one from the year 2000, I don't know if there are any other ones), and this would have had to have been the second time I noticed that things seemed "backwards". At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but the movie has many parts where vehicles are moving from say, the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen, and anyone who has their headphones in the right ears would tell you that generally this means you would hear the vehicle moving from the left to the right side. This was not the case however. It would do the exact opposite.

Is it possible that the device was somehow accidentally built backwards? Have I been listening to music/watching television or movies with the sounds reversed? I have checked that my headphones are in the right ears, which they most certainly are (they wouldn't even fit the wrong way even if I tried). I'm not entirely convinced that the device is at fault, however. You see, when I bought it, the previous owner busted the crap out of it, and any person who doesn't know how to use a phone like that person would loose everything but the battery, battery cover, and the music player itself. This one was no exception, so since somebody at HTC had the brilliant Idea to put a nonstandard headphone mount on the device, I ordered one of those 99 cent ones from some eBay seller in hong kong. I guess what I am leading up to is, "could it have been possible that something got soldered wrong, and if so, can it be fixed?", or is this just one of those unexplained epic fails that exist in the windows mobile world (like the "who made it so that opera mobile lacks a scrollbar and forces you to use toilet paper scrolling to painstakingly scroll through a page?" mistake).

Either way, thanks for taking time to read my thread here, and don't be shy to post your opinion! ☺

- 2 Bunny
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