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Old 06-21-2010, 09:18 PM
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zone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributionszone23 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
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Re: Proclaimed GEEK reviews EVO

I would never proclaim that the EVO is perfect no man made device is (ask BP). All I ask for is a fair shake. Don't take something you know absolutely nothing about (apparently) and start bashing it. It will make you look like a fool. I would never knock the IPhone, or IPod Touch they are great devises (I bought my daughter a IPod Touch) but as a self proclaimed geek I prefer Android. There is room in the world for both, but use your head.


Last edited by zone23; 06-21-2010 at 09:29 PM.
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