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Old 06-21-2010, 08:51 PM
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Re: Proclaimed GEEK reviews EVO

It's really sad when someone does a review but in their mind the iPhone is the best, anything done differently gets critisized.
It's not fair at all....
I mean how can you seriously get fraustrated at a lock screen because it doesn't say "slide to unlock"? So you you swipe up....and up again...and up again....and again...
So your telling me that that's what the average user would do?
Let me just keep swiping up.....
It's sad cause it robs people of a really good device.....(those that listen to him)
But isn't there a manual in the box somewhere though? wouldn't hurt the average user to take a gander at it......
I find iPhone users who review other phones funny, cause they think that everything should be like an iphone....well obviously its not an iphone why would it operate like one?
That's why I only value Engadgetand Phone Dogs reviews, they actually give you a REVIEW if something works it works, not if it doesn't work like an iphone then it automatically fails....

........swipe up doesn't work.....again...nothing.....again....
Seriously? Lol sorry that part just pissed me off.....

Last edited by RockSta®; 06-21-2010 at 08:59 PM.
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