wow. the rendering of images in this browser its absolutely GORGEOUS. And the panning response is PERFECT. And yes it is pretty darn fast. I mean cmon, using over Rev 0 connection? Does really load that fast in Opera Mini?
This browser is still a little quirky, I just tried to use a secure site (
https://) and it repeatedly asked me if I wanted to continue because it didnt recognize the certificate. I'll try another secure site to see if maybe it was just that one.
But so far... A- is my grade for this one. The rendering alone is just unbelievably amazing. I mean the pictures literally look as good on my Touch as on my Sony Vaio laptop screen. And the zoom is great. Double tap and pan around a full shot of the page while the zoomed in version is still panned around in the background so you can get right where you want to without a mistake.
I can't wait to see how the full release turns out!
EDIT/UPDATE: Yep, seems it was just that one secure site that was giving me problems, so all this browser is missing is flash i take it? lol The challenge has been extended Skyfire. You better come out fighting