Originally Posted by mlin
How does this phone/battery charge differently than others, like the TP2 for instance? I never noticed this phenomenon until I started using this phone...
It doesn't charge differently. If you search through other threads you will see the same suggestion posted. Complaints about the battery indicator dropping to 90% from full after removing it from the charger.
Reason is that Li ION batteries/chargers do not trickle charge, once full they stop, if not the battery would over heat and possibly cause a fire.
It is also the reason why you do not have to prime (fully charge, discharge) a Li ION battery, they include IC in the pack, hence they are considered smart batteries (that's why you can have widgets telling you the temp and power in the battery, they read this IC).
Third party, cheap oem some times have bad IC/programming or may not include one at all and may be dangerous, if not hazardous to your device. Same applies for cheap generic chargers.. YMMV
EDIT: Cheap/generic batteries and or charger manufacturers assume you will use their product with a decent battery/charger that will prevent over charge or over heating, but when consumers use both generic/cheap products, is when this possible hazard may come to happen.