Originally Posted by newkidd
maybe this is a dumb question, but is there anywhere exactly we can see exactly what haret does? perhaps there isnt a problem with the builds per-say, but something haret does that the TP2 doesnt like. such as with sound, since its calling the asdp and its replaying already functioning, or already operating, i forget which, maybe haret needs to be modified. does hw3d give an error or does it just show that it doesnt exist to call?
Hw3d at this point just doesnt respond. We have the drivers and code that works on other devices but something about the tp2 that we dont have working 100%.
On wince the gpu runs when we tell it to. It doesnt run all the time. So the wince kernel or maybe one of the dlls makes a call that activate the gpu. Once its all done, the gpu goes down again. So we are missing that call to activate.
I do know that harent isnt the issue.