Originally Posted by ToddD81
You know guys this is the reason I hate posting on forums cause you have 0 people willing/wanting to help and 200 wanting to bash you for not searching. If you had read my post instead of probably the title you would have read that I stated I tried everything I knew, meaning I did search but to no help. I also stated I was running Vista which im guessing the unlocker you are referring to in the simple search you did states in the post if you are running vista be prepared to heavily troubleshoot. Im no professional troubleshooter but if there is a guide (which I find searching these forums) I can follow it and usually do what I am hoping to accomplish. When I cant I post here trying to get help not get ridiculed for something that someone is ASSuming I did not do.
Quite a generalization you make there. "0 people willing/wanting to help"? Statements like that are a slap in the face to those of us who do help out quite often.
My suggestion is you search the forums and if you can't find it here, you might try the online chat linked at the top of the page labeled "PPCGeeks Chat".