Originally Posted by deviant.ones
I don't have the money, been out of work for 2 months since i busted my leg up. Only account I have with a card is -200 some bucks. Been staying with my dad and the only bill I have is my cell and he pays for that and only because he want's to be able to get in touch with me. So don't really see any other choice I have. And honestly I didn't even look on here, I still had his site bookmarked from the first time I did it so I went ahead and downloaded it there. Nowhere in anything I read there did it say you have to use a new internet connection to do your replacement phone. It would be really nice if they actually put a replacement phone installation readme up for people.
oh...that sucks man. hope things turn around soon for you.
well, of course they're not gonna tell you that info. it's a way to cheat their system.