Documents To Go: Edit any office documents on Android.
APKtor: Repositories.
Dropbox: Share files between my EVO, netbook, iMac and PC with ease.
Duke Nukem Soundboard: BALLS OF STEEL!
HomePipe Free: Stream music from my iMac to my EVO.
Mirror4EVO: I use this to check for boogers and show off the forward facing camera.
Apps Organizer: Custom Folders.
Astro: Explorer for Android.
Better Cut: Reskin and create shortcuts for any app or setting.
Opera Mini 5: If you don't use Mini, you're missing out.
OSMonitor: Task Manager on steriods. (Not a task killer)
SwitchPro Widget: Just like the Power Control widget but with 7 customizable options.
Task Panel X: Task killer.
Wallpaper set and save: Easily change my background in high resolution.