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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 12:28 PM
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Re: Verizon Touch Pro2 MR2 Update includes Sense 2.5

OK, a few quick questions for everyone since I'm unexperienced with some of this stuff. I'm still running the original 6.1 on my phone.

1. I had downloaded the no push internet cab for it, do I need to download it again or is there something with this ROM where you don't need it anymore?

2. Same question, but this time for the cab that fully closes Opera and doesn't leave it secretly running in the background. Do I need that again?

3. Do I need to reinstall the 3.5 .net framework?

4. I was hesitant to switch to the last ROM that VZ released because I had read that it was really running down people's batteries compared with the original ROM that came on the phone, is that still the case with this ROM, or is battery life OK?

5. How is the memory usage after installing the ROM? With the no push internet and the close Opera cabs I usually am in the neighborhood of 53% right after a soft reset and then after some use get up in the 63% area. Is it improved with this ROM?

Well I think those are all my questions for now. I'm sure I'll come up with more at some point, but thanks for helping me out with these. I'm sure they're layups for most of you. Thanks again!
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