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Old 06-20-2010, 12:06 PM
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Re: Enable faster data... anyone ever get this to work?

Okay, I am now so totally confused...

I just noticed today that I've been able to sync with the Enable faster data box checked. Two things have changed since when I first posted this:

1) (Much more significant) I got a replacement phone from Verizon. Still a TP2, but a different phone nonetheless.

2) I switched from Energy's Cookie Home Tab rom to the MaxManilla rom.

I'm pretty sure that it is using the extra speed as syncing all my e-mail took much shorter than I remember it taking. Any idea as to why this is now happening? Is it something with the new phone? A difference in the rom? Still the same computer, same version of WMDC, same Outlook profile, same everything else.

Another interesting observation: I don't get the icon in my system tray giving me the option to Eject Hardware, like what you would get when you inserted a flash drive. I always used to get that.
Device: Verizon TP2
ROM: Energy Standard 23673
Radio: 2.35WV
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