Originally Posted by JUSTIN619
Ok, so I have been reading around this forum for some time, and have even used some Cube skins and other cab's being thrown around here. My question is though after I installed VistaCube 2.0, I can not seem to get rid of one of the screens on my phone, so no matter what other skin i like, which is the IFade that I really want, a screen from the VistaCube still comes in while scrolling through the screens, somebody please help!
Always, always, always un-install any Cubes you have installed before installing a new Cube.
To do that go to Start>Settings>System>Remove Programs then select the program to remove and click Remove.
Many Cubes have Cube-specific registry values, so if you install a cube over it you may have a Param that you don't need messing up your Cube.
But Polen would probably know more about the Vista Cube than me.