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Old 02-10-2008, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
No... you know how you have multiple programs located in the OEMAPPS folder?

Optional-izing the OEM folder means that you seperate each apps into its own folder so it could be disabled in buildos. An example would be seperating Java, Camera, TouchFlo into its own folders.

Does that help or does it still sound like I'm crazy? lol
ok, I, that hadn't crossed my mind as I don't know of anything I would remove in BuildOS....but I like the idea for organizing!

btw....question about BuildOS....I know in the Apache Kitchen, you would check the items you wanted in the ROM, unchecked would not be......Is this also the case w/ our Touch Kitchen (i'm using Dogguys)...reason I ask, I could have sworn in some of my earlier ROM's I did not check all apps, but they were still in the ROM. I usually just make a habit of setting the option.xml to "true" for all apps I want in.