Originally Posted by radar369
Yeah...........but what I need to know is how do you chuck'em?! How do I delete the old nand backups?!
Any file explorer should do it. Just navigate to your SD card on the phone.
I'm on OMJ and he has Android Mate installed, works great.
You COULD mount your phone/card via USB and pull/delete the files that way.
If you wanted to be super safe you could pull the files off your card and keep them on your PC in a folder called (whatever) NandBackups. You can rename the Nand files as well so you could have a OMJNand and a FreshNand, and.....that way if you ever wanted to jump back to a different ROM you'd just wipe and restore the back up.
EDIT: Just read something that said renaming the Nand backup may cause issues, just an fyi.
Not very specific, just mentions it in passing.