I think the Disable Boot sound may need another link. When partially rooted the steps from that xda link worked great, I did it a few times.
I've happily obtained full root and tonight flashed OMJ's latest. Those steps no longer worked for me. The OP date is 06-08-10 so this must've been a viable option all along.
What did work was this:
Use a different commandline and do:
adb shell
Mount the system partition by doing:
mount /system
Go into first folder:
cd /system/media
rename the mp3 file:
mv android_audio.mp3 android_audio.mp3.bak
Go into 2nd director:
cd /system/customize/resource
Rename the mp3 file:
mv SPC_animation_final.mp3 SPC_animation_final.mp3.bak
You're done! Reboot:
Hope that helps.
The original source is here:
but I edited the steps to start from #4 since I didnt need to be in Recovery, just plugged the phone in (charge only works).
Maybe work that info into the link some way?
EDIT:If you try this and get a "failed on 'android_audio.mp3' -Read-only file system" then type
exit to get out of adb shell. Then start over but use
adb remount
first. You should get a "remount succeeded" confirmation.
Now proceed with the steps from
adb shell and you should be golden.