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Old 02-10-2008, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Musicman247 View Post
I knew people still wanted a QuickDial screen, but I didn't want it to be the first thing that popped up. I liked the asthetic of having the Launcher come up first. I decided to put it on the third screen so that no matter where you are you can get to the quick dial within a couple swipes.

The "timeline" is actually more of a navigation bar to let you know where in the sequence you are at a glance.

What exactly seemed out of place and weird about it, if I may ask?
well when looking at it, it appears each pane is the different slides in the timeline. I didn't mean anything was awry with the animation or fluidity of what was there, it just appears from a screenshot or first glance that when you swipe your finger the pane you are on will move to the right and the next one will move forward. when the quickdial comes out from the side it was not expected, as you couldn't see it at all until it was selected.

Does that make more sense? It is difficult to explain maybe. Looking at a screen shot of Pane 1, it appears that there are 5 dots on the top, and 5 'windows' in a row, so it is expected at this point that each of those 'windows' will be linked with a different dot and another pane. when transitioning from the second to third pane, i expected it to be the same as the first to second, fourth to fifth, and fifth to first, in that the 'window' would be brushed off to the side and the next one in line would step up. With the quickdial pane, that was not the case at all and I was surprised as the flow of the procedure was interrupted.