Thread: Andrid Version?
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Old 06-19-2010, 02:17 AM
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Re: Andrid Version?

Originally Posted by Still_Waters_43 View Post
Really ?, given that 2.1 is already out wouldn't they have that on a new phone (no big deal I know I could just download, but that process does scare some people )
depends on when it actually shipped out of the factory, if you get one that's left the factory since the update, it would have the newest software, however they're not going to pull all the units out of warehouses and stores just to run updates on all of them, they'll leave it to the customer at that point, unless you get a decent rep that'll do it for you
working for radioshack i don't technically have the ability but i usually have my laptop with me so the last Hero i sold i ran the upgrade for the customer before they even touched the phone for the first time
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