Originally Posted by bignadad
Thanks for the comments
only thing that bothers me is the memory.. my memory widget sits at about 10% after a day or two use without soft reset and wish i could get more... BUT the fact is that the ROM and UI (MaxSense) are still just as fast as ever... not noticing any effects on speed... Still working on gaining more memory, but have a hard time to figure out if its worth it... any comments?
Mr.X seems to be a memory wiz you might want to hit him up. In his latest couple of ROMs he seems to have stopped the memory leakage we have had with all the chefs out there. Mine seems to hover in the mid 60's even though my phone looks like NRGz's after all my tweaking and it never lags out but neither does maxsense when i'm using it but the memory looks like it would! Weird. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to text the next version of maxsense! Did Max mention anything regarding potentially being able to slide left or right to our favorite page of sense?