having just switched from dcd 2.1 (old xip + 6.1) to no2chems latest i can say that the speed difference is very noticable. In your case going from 6.0 to 6.1 should be a much bigger increase in performance. When i went from dcd 2.0 (6.0) to 2.1 there was also a good performance boost. I have not tried dcd 2.2.x since he has been having problems porting the xip however no2chem seems to have it down.
both dcd2.1 and no2chem's latest are very stable.
the only problem i have seen is with windows live not wanting to sign in. i have not tried it with no2chems version yet but it was posted a few days ago and i did confirm it with dcd2.1.
Last edited by lafester; 02-10-2008 at 12:43 PM.