Originally Posted by AngelDeath
1) Not sure it will work, I am fixing my build issues with my kitchen (GSM). Once I figure it out I'll try the build.
2)1.5 what the rest? Build what?
3) Completely Unfamilar with CDMA
4) Might cause you an issue.
5) Specifically to HTC messaging, arcsoft, and Jataayu.
Anyone who has MMS working (Doesnt matter HTC or arcsoft) send and recieve, if you would be so kind to dump your registry (I use CDRegEdtior) and up it to this post, I can maybe help find a solution. 90% of everything is in the registry.
Here you go!
The Jataayu.reg file is a copy of my Jataayu key with it working to SEND mms only. When an MMS comes, in, I get a "Downloading" icon, then a "New Message" notification. I then go into the conversation in HTC messaging. The preview is not shown. I select the message, and it opens the message details, where I then have the option to "Download" the attachment. I attempt to download it, only to get a notification stating "Unable to download message from <SENDER>"
Pleae note that there are two string values within the Jataayu key (under Profiles, "MMSCURL"), which contains the server address (
http://mms.vtext.com/srevlets/mms?X-VZW-MDN=1234567890) for Verizon MMS. The last 10 digits of the string are the users phone number, so I edited them to "124567890".
The Arcsoft.reg file is a copy of the Arcsoft key with it being able to SEND AND RECEIVE MMS. The server address in the Arcsoft settings is set to
http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms. If i remember correctly, the HTC server setting has the additional characters asthe HTC messenging client would not supply all of the infomation (user phone number) unless it was part of the server string.
Hopefully you can help us get the MMS receving properly in HTC messaging! Thank you for your efforts and let me know if I can help further!!!