Originally Posted by touch_rules
Do you leave wifi on even when you are not near a wifi network? I have been turning on and off depending on if I am in range of network I can connect to. Should I just be leaving it on all the time?
I was leaving it on all day regardless if I was around wifi or not. I left it on when I used 4G. I was just testing leaving everything on all day and using the phone as much as I could. My goal was to kill the battery as fast as possible. I was thinking we would be toast at 4 or 5 hours max I mean with or without a WIFI and bluetooth signal just leaving those radios running plus using the phone should kill it fast. After 5 hours I was at over half a charge so I started abusing it more used the GPS even though I didn't need it while drive ect...
I really don't know too much about android or the batterys but did some tips that I saw posted.
1. Making sure Time Without A Signal is Minimal
2. Adjust Backlight To Auto
3. Set Wifi To Never Sleep (This seems really weird to me as well)
4. I was not using a ATK
5. I was not using a CPU Scaler
I also used the camera and camcorder.
Another thing I drained the battery dead dead dead 2 or 3 times and then charged fully.
When I say dead I mean until the device would not power all the way up before shutting back down. When charging up I would unplug charger and then turn phone on plug until green again like 5 mins then unplug turn off charge again. Don't know if the last step does anything but have been advised it is good.
Another note I also like to leave Wifi on from time to time same with bluetooth as a battery conditioning measure. I makes the battery discharge faster helping to reduce any memory effect from not having them on. This can prevent huge battery drops from turning on the wifi when not having used it in a long time which can happen.
This article is a good read on batteries and conditioning as well as battery memory.
It's for the macbook (I know shoot me now!) but the principles are the same.