Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Um, think you just answered your own question  If the PC36IMG "thing" didnt install then you aren't fully rooted.
You did Part I of toast's method for root, not unrevoked?
Full root is easy to verify, power off your phone. Hold Down Vol while you power back on.
When you select Recovery does it boot to the Red Triangle of You Ain't Got Full Root? (no Recovery menu options, just the triangle symbol) 
Or does it boot into Recovery-Green font, menu options at the top of the screen?
If ya dont got it, start over. Watch the video.
EDIT: BTW-Dont have your phone connected to your PC when you test it.
its all green
after siting for a few moments it says
Main version is older!
Update Fail (in red letters)
Do you want to reboot device? (blue letters)
<vol up> yes (red letters)
<vol down> no (red letters)
then it says