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Old 06-17-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: {ROM}XpressGlass/Dinik Anastasia - [06/03]23563/2012.12 CHT/XDA/Provisioned

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
Well it is official, Dinik is not making cabs for anyone to use. Just for his rom for the HD2. I do feel bad, but I don't think he could handle not being in control of his work....this is a mod community and frankly 99% of this stuff is not our own work, but variation of HTC's hard work. I feel we enjoy what our phone can do and want to individualize it to us, as a lot of people did with Dinik's theme. He created a great template on many people went out and wanted to show how they wanted to see it progress.

With that said: EFF it, he did not create the only glass graphics out there, and personally I feel his glare with the light was overpowering the graphic in the icon. The only real dinik thing I use in my rom is his taskbar, which was not fully customized.
Straitup27 and I were working on a glass taskbar when Dinik dropped his and we stopped...taskbars are VERRYY hard to make and require a lot of time with little pay off...because Dinik made a great looking one. Looks like this thread will be a GLASS ROM and I know XYC created a lot of his own graphics because Dinik wasn't releasing them yet.
I would say expect a Glass rom, just going to be a little while as he and some of the beta team retool some of the deeper elements in the rom.
He's free to control his work any way he wants. I'm also free to remove his logo from my sig. I agree with you. I think that a glass theme would look nicer.
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