Here's the original xda thread for SD and USB charging issues:
For those who have devices that are recognized by their PC but not when you run adb commands you could be looking at abd driver issue.
See if this helps:
Post #1, Section: "Im not getting a notification of Android ADB when i plug in my USB"
You could also try running recovery without the AndroidSDK, as outlined by FastRX8:
"You do not need android-sdk at all.
I have a laptop w/ Vista that has never been connected to my phone. I connected the phone, and it failed to see it. It looked for drivers, but failed. Only thing I could do was Charge or Disk Drive. Went into the disk drive and copied the HTC Sync file and installed it.
After it was done, I unplugged the phone, reconnected it w/ HTC Sync.
Then I downloaded the, open the run command and typed "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows reboot recovery".
Worked fine. Then I typed "c:\evo-recovery\recovery-windows.bat" and went right into recovery mode.
Never needed the sdk."
Good luck.