17 Hours 9 Minutes 28 Seconds.
And I still have over 50% of my battery left. Talked for about an hour today. Sent numerous emails and received about 30 text messages, along with browsing the internet for about 15 minutes and using tapatalk a bunch. Updated weather radar a bunch of times. Installed aCar app and messed with it for a while.
Only thing I disabled was that data always on button and GPS and I don't even notice that it's switched off. It's always there when I need it. The GPS can be switched on if I need to know exactly where I am but most of the time the cell tower triangulation works just fine for weather updates and my rainy days location etc.
Battery life issue? LOL.
EDIT: And last night I disabled google talk since I have never used it...From last night to today MAJOR increase in battery life so it might just be that app but I was still getting around 12+ hours with the same kinds of usage
Last edited by MarcusInMD; 06-17-2010 at 12:50 AM.